Top 11 Things You Do Not Want to Be 'Stoned' on Cannabis For

So, you've decided to try cannabis and experience the effects of being 'stoned'. While it can be a fun and relaxing experience for many, there are certain activities that you definitely do not want to engage in while under the influence. In this article, we will explore the top 10 things you should avoid doing when you're stoned on cannabis.


12/27/20233 min read

a woman talking on a cell phone
a woman talking on a cell phone

1. Driving

One of the most important things to remember is to never drive while under the influence of cannabis. Cannabis can impair your motor skills, reaction time, and judgment, making it dangerous to operate a vehicle. Always prioritize safety and find alternative transportation if you're planning to consume cannabis.

2. Operating Heavy Machinery

Similar to driving, operating heavy machinery while stoned can be extremely risky. Your coordination and focus may be compromised, increasing the chances of accidents or injuries. It's best to avoid any activities that require precision and concentration when you're under the influence.

3. Making Important Decisions

When you're stoned, your thought processes may be altered, and your ability to make sound judgments can be impaired. It's not the best time to make important decisions that could have long-term consequences. Wait until you're sober and thinking clearly before tackling any significant choices.

4. Taking on Complex Tasks

Cannabis can affect your cognitive abilities and make it more challenging to focus on complex tasks. If you have work or projects that require intense concentration or problem-solving skills, it's better to wait until you're in a clear-headed state to tackle them. You'll be more productive and less likely to make mistakes.

5. Engaging in High-Risk Activities

Being stoned can impair your coordination and reaction time, making high-risk activities even riskier. Avoid activities such as rock climbing, extreme sports, or anything that puts you in potentially dangerous situations. It's better to enjoy these activities when you're in a sober and alert state.

6. Attending Important Meetings or Interviews

While cannabis can help some people relax and reduce anxiety, it's not advisable to be stoned during important meetings or job interviews. Being under the influence may affect your ability to communicate effectively or make a good impression. It's best to present yourself in a professional and clear-minded state.

7. Taking Medications or Supplements

If you're on any medications or supplements, it's essential to be cautious when consuming cannabis. The combination of substances can have unpredictable effects on your body. Always consult with a healthcare professional before mixing cannabis with any other medications or supplements.

8. Engaging in Intense Exercise

While some people enjoy the euphoric feeling that cannabis can provide during exercise, it's important to be mindful of your limits. Cannabis can affect your heart rate and blood pressure, so engaging in intense physical activity may put unnecessary strain on your body. Stick to moderate exercise or activities that you feel comfortable with.

9. Handling Fire or Cooking

When you're stoned, your coordination and attention to detail may be compromised. It's best to avoid handling fire or cooking complex meals that require precision. Accidents can happen, and you don't want to risk any injuries or damage to your surroundings.

10. Engaging in Social or Professional Networking

While cannabis can enhance social interactions for some, it's important to be mindful of the context and environment. If you're attending a professional networking event or meeting new people in a formal setting, being stoned may not be the best idea. It's crucial to present yourself in a professional manner and make a good impression.

11. Participating in Special or Memorable Events

Many events are a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, such as a wedding, birth of a child, or bucket-list trip, or are important life events such as a graduation, funeral, or the last Christmas with your terminally ill Grandma or Grandpa. While cannabis can enhance social interactions and make things more fun, or in the case of somber events can help you manage your emotions, it can also affect memory, mood, and attention span. For anything you want to be fully present at and retain lasting memories of, or need to be a comfort to your loved ones, it is best to forego the cannabis altogether, or use the least amount necessary to support your physical or mental health that day.

Remember, cannabis affects everyone differently, and these recommendations may not apply to everyone. It's essential to know your limits and understand how cannabis affects you personally. Always prioritize safety, be responsible, and make informed decisions when consuming cannabis.